Corporate Programs
Extinguishing burnout isn’t just something individuals are concerned about. It has a real impact to the organization’s bottom line. Employees with burnout are 2.6 times as likely to leave the organization. For those who stay, their performance is impacted. They’re 63% more likely to take a sick day and 23% more likely to visit the emergency room.
We have custom corporate programs to combat and extinguish burnout in your organization. From one-time keynotes to long-term coaching and support options, we’re here to make burnout a distant memory.

Simple Solutions
Are you looking for something simple and inexpensive to extinguish burnout in your organization? We sell licenses to the online course in bulk. Email us with how many people you’re interested in helping at [email protected]
Inspiring Keynotes
Robert and Terri Bogue inspire audiences of all sizes, both individually and together. More information about their keynote speaking can be found at Having spoken to hundreds of thousands of people through their careers, they’re able to engage audiences and draw them into the solutions they need to resolve burnout for themselves.
Workshops That Work
Focused workshops from 1.5 hours to 3 hours offer an intensive, reflective experience for employees that help them discover what’s important to them, what’s getting in the way, and how they can restore the balance they need to recover from burnout – and prevent it from coming back. In addition to discoveries in the session, employees will return with additional exercises and tools that allow them to continue to discover how to deliver more to themselves and to the organization.
Corporate Programs That Produce
Most corporate programs rely on one or two key delivery methods to ensure success. The Extinguish Burnout program provides a multitude of approaches, from book study to self-service course, instructor-led sessions and workshops, and weekly reinforcement through emails and videos that allow users to discover more about what burnout is and is not, a bit at a time.
Most corporate programs fail, because they don’t have any way to be sustained. Due to the unique mix of recorded online programs, resources that can be integrated into existing corporate communications, and other resources, you’ll see a sustainable change.
If you’re interested in any of these corporate offerings, reach out to us at [email protected].